Eye of the River by Jill Randall

Thursday, 16 April 2009

Hiddenplace 2119

Hi all..

strangely enough I have managed to bump into a few of the artists on my various errands into Burnley...and even managed to get a family shot on Kerry and Andy's performance...
I am blogging again and have figured it out I think - sat here listening to Tyler Bates '300' soundtrack hoping to create further inspiration for Chapter One of Hiddenplace 2119...

I was wondering if anyone of you have any burning ideas, interesting concepts, characters and features of Burnley they would like to see in the future year of 2119...as we are nearly done with script and panels-I thought we might check if anyone has any creative input...

The first Chapter focuses on Priest - a lone Christian, secretly fighting crime on the streets and helping our main character Alex to discover her own past and brutal murder of her parents...
I have attached a draft and creative cover in our attempt to bring some of the elements of our project to life and make it real for everyone in Burnley...let me know what you think...

- until next time -

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