Eye of the River by Jill Randall

Tuesday, 13 January 2009

site visits

We had the second site visit for shortlisted artists yesterday and once again I was struck by a sense of quiet excitement, anticipation and intrigue. It's been great meeting so many interesting creative people, discussing initial responses and ideas and sharing observations as we walk around the sites.

We had several conversations yesterday about parameters, or lack of them. It's important to restate that we want Hiddenplace to be as open as possible to your own creative responses, ideas, themes, preferred methods of working etc. The structure, the sites, the festival format and the overarching theme of Hiddenplace (in all the many senses we have discussed) provide the creative framework. Although inevitably there are some logistical parameters (budget, timescale etc), we hope these will not be too restrictive.

Please let either myself or Ian know if you have any questions, comments or ideas you'd like to discuss in advance of the submission deadline (1.00pm, Friday 23rd Jan). We'll share these on the blog unless you specifically ask us not to (please let us know).

Really looking forward to seeing how your ideas develop - hope you enjoy the journey, everyone.

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