Eye of the River by Jill Randall

Monday, 1 December 2008

Karl Eden and Mark Tattersall - Sound and Film / Photography

Mark and Karl have collaborated in various capacities over the past ten years, initially in a musical and sonic context but latterly as independent artists exploring their respective, but often overlapping, niche interests. Recent collaborations include;

-“Hey Lads ‘Hey” – an independent multimedia installation at Queen’s Mill, Burnley which focused on the impact of the industrial revolution at a micro level.

-A short time-lapse film documenting the work of ‘Julian Beaver’ commissioned by Mid-Pennine Arts.

-’Observing, interpreting and re-presenting a local environment: Burnley’ this was an interactive workshop and exhibition of work shifting perceptions of Burnley town centre and empowering local artists to create multi-media using with rudimentary, accessible technology in conjunction with The Folly Gallery.

-A Photo-documentary slideshow celebrating the positive impact and work of The Marsden Day Care Centre for Lancashire county Council.

Both artists were born and raised in the Burnley area and now work as lecturers in their respective disciplines in local colleges. The geography, folklore and legacy of Burnley has a huge impact on their independent work and is a thread that runs through their various collaborations. Being involved in ‘Hidden Place’ would enable them to engage the public of Burnley with the area’s industrial heritage in recognition that, at the height of its prosperity, East Lancashire’s economy was fuelled by industrialisation. Its legacy is most apparent through its built environment; housing stock, civic buildings, canal, mills and weaving sheds. This is the area’s heritage, which is largely interpreted as decline and rarely celebrated.

This project would enable Mark and Karl to deconstruct the sonic and visual environment into it’s often overlooked micro-components such as frequencies, spectrums & movement and to creatively reconstruct this information in unexpected ways: When one sees a cake, it is accepted as a cake. However, this cake can then be broken down into it’s core components such as eggs, flower, butter etc – the journey and context of the ingredients is crucial and fascinating and can be explored in depth, yet this can then be re-presented to the public in another format… as a Yorkshire Pudding for instance! This metaphor demonstrates how an innovative and often simple approach can be a catalyst for a change of perception of the local environment to inspire, enthuse and instigate discussion.

Karl Eden has been involved in the creation and delivery of music for twelve years as a performer, songwriter and producer in a successful, alternative, experimental music collective. During this time he has explored sound as an empowering abstract means to convey narratives and messages to audiences regardless of cultural and social barriers. The relationship between sound and space has always been a fascination, which led him to research and develop skills in sonic arts, initially borrowing largely from technical skills and a diverse interest in experimental and ambient composers. When working with audio Karl focuses on the dynamic contrast and manipulation of familiar sounds, drawing attention to the minutiae, with musical leanings to create implied and explicit pulses and rhythms in order to re-contextualise meanings.

Mark Tattersall has been working professionally within the media of photography and film for over 10 years working in a diverse range of contexts across the commercial and creative sectors. Mark currently lectures in the arts at Nelson and Colne College and this interest in conceptual ideas influences his professional practice. Although a skilled technician and leading local photographer his responses to creative projects lead to experimental image making and image capture across historic and new technologies. An underlying theme throughout his practice is the importance of place. Across creative projects centred around his locality, through to his work with Pendle and Lancashire’s tourist boards, this theme has been the foundation of his motivations.


Julian Beever at Higherford mill. Time lapse video to mark the end of the ‘Land’ project which has been viewed by nearly 80000 people over the past 12 months -

‘Why I Live Here’ (Accrington, Hyndburn Mela and community festival association)

Photographs for publication, Film produced and exhibition at Howarth Gallery Accrington. In collaboration with William Titley.

Hyndburn Safe routes to School video editing.

Fururama project at the New era centre.

Participation, documentation and editing of project film. Motivating young people not in education or employment.

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